I'm Dalpha. I build websites that grow businesses.


5 years


5 years


5+ years experience


4+ years experience


5+ years experience


6+ years experience

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About Dalpha

Five years ago, with a mission to make the internet a better place, I founded Dalpha Media. The goal was to provide an honest, reliable and personal alternative to the big faceless web design agencies. I believe a website is more than an online business card; it is a 24/7 salesperson, which deserves to make a good first impression.

Daniel Kappert — Founder & Webspecialist

Search Engine Optimization

Your website at the top of Google.

Search Engine Optimization

Your website at the top of Google.

Dalpha Media – Webdesign & SEO
Your website at the top of Google - Dalpha Media
Your website at the top of Google
Looking for professional web design? Turn to Dalpha Media for affordable wish sites that turn your visitors into customers.
Website without results agency
Agency with bad web design and marketing stuff
Agency with poor web design
Website of a large company which pays no attention to our customers and outsources all the work to high school students.
Other web design company
Websites that don't get results and expensive seo
Websites without results
SEO that you pay a lot of money for and a website that is actually not much better than what you could have built yourself.

Step 1: Pagespeed

Your website has to be super fast .

Google prioritizes websites that are technically sound. Consider how fast your images load and accessibility for people with disabilities.

Step 2: Keywords

Make a lot of search term pages.

Your prospective customers are looking for your industries/niches, not so much for your company name. Creating separate pages for these industries will bring customers to your site.

Step 3: Links & Reviews

Collect reviews on Google business

Google likes to give the most trustworthy results first, and trustworthiness is measured through your Google reviews. More reviews = more website visitors.

Featured websites

Take a look at some of my recent projects.


Latest insight updates

Follow my blog for specific topics, be it web design, wordpress, SEO, tips and tricks, etc. I always provide updated news and current trends.

Reviews & Testimonials

Hear from my customers

These testimonials are a motivation for me to keep improving quality and give more satisfaction to every client who trusts me.